Map - City informations

 Institut Fourier, 100 rue des maths BP74 38402 Saint-Martin d'Hères


Some Restaurants

Here is a short list of restaurants in the centre of the city which I (Gérard Besson) have tested recently and recommend. It is non exhaustive and in random order.

French cuisine

  • L'envie des Mets 7, rue Génissieu. Good french cuisine at reasonable prices. The chef, Florent, is a good friend !

  • Le Monthélie 16 rue Barnave. Bistro style, good food, reasonable price. The chef is young and original.

  • Les Archers Rue du Docteur Bally. A standard brasserie style food.
  • Le Fantin Latour 1, rue Général de Beylié. Near Verdun square, a fancy cuisine (gastronomique). Less expensive at lunch time.

Italian cuisine      

  • Lo Zafferano 4, rue Marius Gontard. A small place but a very good and unexpensive sicilian cuisine.
  • Cinecittà 7, rue Jay. A bit more expensive than the previous one but the boss is quite a character.







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